Wednesday 22 July 2009

Part Eight

heylowwwwwwww, long time no see! it turned out because i'm 9th grader now, school things are kinda stressing (pressures, boring subjects, extra classes and blablabla)
now that i wanna share my stories, i wanna tell you first, things are pretty different around here now.

first, i'm not in the same class w/HIM
second, he had his haircut and now is shorter
third, he's taller, much much taller than before (which is way cooooooler)
maybe that's all about him. HAHAH NYAMPAH DEH GUE ;p
well, even i'm in the different class now doesn't mean i have to give up, right?
i can still meet him in recesses, after school, moving classes, extra classses. there's still many chances right?

Saturday 11 July 2009

do you want me, to hide the feelings and look the other way? shit.